Copy Folder on Mac

Microsoft added a new VB command "AppleScriptTask" that accesses and runs an AppleScript file located outside the sandboxed app. This new approach is not as convenient: with the VBA MacScript function you could have the script in the file itself, while with the AppleScriptTask method you need to distribute an extra file containing the script, and it must be placed in the specified location on the user’s system to have permission to run. This requires some user interaction the first time.

I create an install file to copy the script file in the correct location for you to make this easy.
Download the folder Install CopyFolder with the script file named 'CopyFolder.scpt' and the 'Install.scpt' file that you must Run one time to copy the CopyFolder.scpt file in the correct location..

Open the Install CopyFolder folder in your Downloads folder and Double Click the Install.scpt file to open it in the Mac Script Editor. After you open it Press the Run button or use the shortcut Command r to Run the script. It will first ask you to close Excel and after it say it is ready you can close the Script Editor, and you can call the script with the test macro below. You can delete the 'Install CopyFolder' folder now in your Downloads folder.

See the VBA Macro examples below that you can use now in your VBA projects.

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