Search Mac Excel Automation

The website uses the Indexer stack from Stacks4Stacks for its own search function.

No search results found.
Website Indexed: September 05 2024 @ 14:24:54

Database Creation
When clicked, each of the webpages listed in the supplied sitemap file will be indexed and added to the database. It can sometimes take a few minutes for this process to complete. The web browser might display 'loading' or 'waiting for' in the browser status bar. Any success, warning or error messages are shown in the console window below.

Database Download
This button downloads the search database in XML format. This file can either be archived, moved to another web server or you can open it in any plain text editor.

Database Viewer
Opens your search database in a new web browser tab or window. This option can be useful if you want to see what pages have been indexed and inspect the data being used for the search. Some web browsers may not support the display of XML.

Search Result List
Forces the display of all search results in the webpage. This can be useful to quality-control the search results. If you spot something wrong, you can make the changes to the page, republish the page, then rebuild the search database again. To reset the search results back to hidden again, refresh the webpage.
Web design by Will Woodgate